be inclusive. be accessible. be human.
all abilities. all ages. all populations.
PCY strives to make yoga accessible to everyone and every body.
Our instructors offer plain language and clear directions for every yoga pose (asana).
Every instructor at PCY can offer variations and modifications for your comfort and ability.
We have an extensive selection of props to bring the earth up to meet your body, including chairs rated to 650 lbs. Please do not feel you have to struggle to get in or out of any asana. Our instructors WANT to help you, we encourage you to ask us for guidance.
Visual supports are also available for reference. Please let us know ahead of time so we can set them out for you.
Our space is fully accessible: double doors, ADA compliant bathroom, even flooring, ramp, accessible parking space. If you have any concerns, please reach out to Jeannine, at