Studio Policies
Class Start Times
Please make every effort to arrive between 5 and 10 minutes before class to give yourself ample time to settle in and transition.
Studio Closings
Weather related closings and delays (or any emergency closure) will be posted on Facebook and emailed and/or texted to clients.
We will make every effort that notification is made two hours prior to class start times. Of course, emergencies do happen.
All Sales Are Final
There are no refunds on the purchase of ANY service. If you feel you will be unable to use the remaining classes on your class card, you are welcome to gift it to a family member or friend.
As stated in the autopay contract, contracts can be cancelled after the second month, and with 10 days written notice. Refunds will not be given for failure to cancel in the required time frame.
Body Positive Language
Because we believe “the goal of yoga is not to touch your toes, but what you learn on the way down,” please refrain from any statements that suggest you are not worthy of all the beauty and greatness that you already exhibit. We are a yoga studio, we are NOT a gym, a weight loss center, a runway, or a place for any kind of hate towards others nor yourself.